If you could bottle community spirit, two things are for certain.
One: inside that bottle you’d have the same stuff that helps keep the lights on at the Jasper Yellowhead Museum and Archives.
And two: the volunteers at the JYMA would recycle the bottle for a refund.
For the last four years, retired railroader Darcy Sheppard has volunteered with a small but steadfast group of Jasper museum supporters to process refundable beverage containers.
It started out as a one-time offer to lend a hand. When Sheppard arrived at the lot behind the museum for her first shift, however, she found a then-77-year-old Sheila Couture, loading up a half ton truck. By herself!
“Next thing I knew I was there every week,” Sheppard laughed.
It wasn’t just she and Couture doing the heavy lifting. Retirees Bob Baxter and Gerry Jober have been elbows deep in Jasper’s recycling, too. Other locals have contributed their time, too—sorting, bagging and hauling.
But since the July 2024 wildfire incinerated Jasper’s only bottle depot, the amount of refundable bottles and cans donated to the museum has skyrocketed. That’s been good for the museum, but for the volunteers, it’s been truckloads more work.
“We had to totally reorganize ourselves,” Sheppard said. “After the fire everybody started bringing their bottles to us. Including restaurants.”
Now, to help lighten the volunteers’ load, the museum is putting the call out for more help. Sheppard would love to show the ropes to another committed citizen or two. As a history enthusiast, the museum is special to her. A couple hours each week are worth helping preserve decades of Jasper stories, she figured.
“It’s not a hard job, but it requires a commitment,” she said.
Museum Manager Heather Legacy confirmed volunteer contributions are a big component of the museum’s successful operations. She thanked Jasperites for their continued support of the JYMA and echoed Sheppard’s request for new recruits. She also shouted out the Valley Bottle Depot in Hinton for their efforts in facilitating the fundraising.
“And please keep the bottles coming,” Legacy said.
The JYMA is hoping a Bottle Bin Open House on March 29 from 2 to 4 p.m. so those interested in volunteering can check out the program. Pop by the back of the museum that afternoon to learn more about helping out with this worthwhile cause.
And to learn more about this or other volunteer opportunities with the Jasper Yellowhead Museum and Archives, email Legacy, manager@jaspermuseum.org or call 780-852-3013.
Bob Covey // bob@thejasperlocal.com