The Municipality of Jasper has scratched a local bylaw which banned skateboards, rollerblades and scooters from downtown roads.
The discussion came after a Jasper resident complained that electric scooters should be allowed downtown.
E-scooters on public roadways are still prohibited under Alberta’s Traffic Safety Act—although there is an active lobby to update the act, according to the MOJ’s Legislative and Protective Services Director, Christine Nadon. She noted the local RCMP are not taking a hard stance on e-scooters.
“It doesn’t appear to be a priority,” Nadon said.
After discussing the merits of putting a minimum age-limit on scootering and skateboarding downtown, Jasper councillors elected to go with administration’s recommendation: removing the subsection of the bylaw which bans skateboards, scooters and rollerblades. The change coincides with similar legislation in Banff, Canmore and Edmonton.
Administration’s perspective—which council eventually agreed with—is that “users should follow the rules of the road no matter what wheeled device they are on,” Nadon said.
Councillor Scott Wilson made the motion to remove the section which states “no person shall skateboard, rollerblade, or operate a scooter in the Central Business District.” It passed unanimously.
Municipality of Jasper bylaw officers are not currently equipped with the appropriate designations to crack down on violations of the Alberta Traffic Safety Act. However, Nadon confirmed her team will be returning to council in the future to address that shortcoming.