No booze, limited tickets and volunteer security personnel will constitute new restrictions
The Jasper Hockey League is taking measures to ensure the season’s grande finale isn’t a giant fiasco.
Since the summer, the Jasper Arena has been undergoing renovations to add three dressing rooms to the building. As a result, the rink’s capacity has been limited to 246 hockey-loving souls (including on-ice players and arena staff).
The limited ability to host big crowds hasn’t yet been a problem—the former senior mens barn burners, courtesy of the NCHL’s Jasper Wolves, last played out in 2010, and even the hottest local minor hockey teams haven’t threatened to torch the building’s fire code regulations.
There were two nights this winter when nearly 200 visiting British skiers escaped the frigid temperatures to watch the Rangers and Old Wolves lace ‘em up, but those were anomalies, and no local hockey watcher in their right mind would suggest that a regular season JHL game would draw enough spectators to put the 246 number at risk.
But as we’ve seen, there’s just something different when it comes to Super Sunday.

During last year’s event, which included a 50/50 draw to go along with the back-to-back-to-back triple-header action, the rink was full. And if you were one of 400 or so Super Sunday celebrators, you might remember that things got a little … loose—especially near the end of the night, when on-ice rivalries were being matched by off-ice revelry.

This year, with only one side of the arena open to spectators, and in accordance with the town’s new Behaviour in Municipal Facilities policy—ushered in on the heels of last year’s delirium and disorder—the JHL is implementing new rules for the Super Sunday Finale.
To ensure fire code restrictions are adhered to, a limited number of tickets will be issued for the event.
“Tickets will be given to teams to disperse to friends and family,” said JHL executive member Brian Ewald.
There will also be a volunteer security crew, to ensure all those entering the arena stands have a ticket. And importantly, no alcohol will be permitted.

“As per Jasper bylaws and the new Community Behaviour Policy, no alcohol is allowed/consumed within the arena facility,” the JHL’s John Pelosi emphasized. “We hope all attending will enjoy this fun community hockey day for both the players and fans.”
As indicated on the JHL’s social media channels, all JHL teams will be issued game day tickets to distribute as teams see fit.

Bob Covey //