Car is still king when it comes to planning a development in Jasper.
Despite a request to reduce Parks Canada’s requirement of 89 stalls for their affordable staff housing complex, Jasper’s planning and development advisory committee (PDAC) couldn’t see past potential parking problems on the Jasper Community Housing Corporation’s Connaught drive proposal.
PDAC met June 29, to consider the variance of allowing the complex to be built with only 52 stalls.
Consultant Chris Timmons, speaking on behalf of the proponent alongside JCHC chair Mark Fercho, said the project is designed to support a car-free lifestyle.
But after hearing the proposal, the advisory committee didn’t seem convinced the Jasper lifestyle excludes cars.
“When you’re here in Jasper it’s not just the town that’s your home, it’s the park. People come here and want to acquire a vehicle to get to the trails,” PDAC’s John Gamblin said.
Some Connaught Drive residents were concerned the spillover of vehicles would cause parking issues in their neighbourhood. A handful of letters, none in support of the variance, were read to the committee by PDAC chair Terry Lanigan.
Timmons suggested building a housing unit around cars’ needs, rather than people’s, is passé. He said the JCHC would implement ride sharing initiatives and bike programs.
“Planning around parking is silly,” he said.
PDAC’s decision is non-binding. The committee, made up of members of the public, make recommendations to Parks Canada’s planning and development office.
For background on this story, see our July 1 article Staff housing proponents looking for parking variance
Bob Covey //